Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Class #13 Post

            In today’s final class, we started off with sharing what each of us enjoyed most about the course with professor Lippe as well as a way that the course could be improved in years to come based off of our experience. Subsequently we discussed how our site visits went with our contenders for the grant award. Every group was given the opportunity to describe their experience with the class as well as state why or why not their site visit organization deserves the requested portion of the grant. Additionally, after sharing our experiences and making cases for which organizations deserve the grant, we all took a vote (using Roberts rules as usual) and the motion to provide UTEC and the LCHC with 5,000 dollars each passed almost unanimously.

            Additionally, we discussed our ceremony that is upcoming this Thursday as well as assigned roles to those who volunteered (MC, presenters etc.) It was decided that the ceremony be moved to a larger location because we expect a decent turnout of people to be attending. At the end of class, we had our last snack together (cake and cookies that professor Lippe so graciously provided) and said our goodbyes (for now). Overall I feel that everyone thoroughly enjoyed the course and we became close friends with all of our classmates because of it. 

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